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My Completed Creative Critical Reflection
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Creating My Creative Critical Reflection

To create my creative critical reflection, I first wrote down all of my answers to the questions so I could create my video with prepared answers. I then found a spot to record my video in my living room and my setup idea is a talk show/interview. My dad asked me the questions as the host, and I answered them as a guest on the show. I acted and talked as if there was an audience watching me answer my questions by looking at the camera throughout the interview. Below is a photo of where my interview took place.

Preparing for my Creative Critical Reflection

By the end of my magazine, I must reflect upon my work by answering questions for a creative critical reflection. Questions that I need to answer are… -  How does your product use or challenge conventions and how does it represent social groups or issues? - How does your product engage with audiences and how would it be distributed as a real media text? - How did your production skills develop throughout this project? - How did you integrate technologies – software, hardware, and online – in this project? I will begin to prepare for my reflection by figuring out a place where I will make a video to film me answering these questions, who will be asking me the questions, and what my answers to these questions will be. Before making my video, I need to have an idea of how my project relates to the questions then I will film a video that is about 10 minutes long of me answering the questions. I will either type or write my answers to the questions first so I can have and idea in my hea...

Why Photo Planning is Important

Photo planning is important so that it is ensured that I have many photos that I can choose from for my magazine. I need to make sure that I take a variety of different photos meaning I will have some that have people in small groups, large groups, or even alone. Planning to come to events early is also something that should be done. Getting photos from before, during, and after the event will help show the viewers the process of the event. The number of photographers that you have needs to be planned and where each of these photographers is assigned to in the event to take photos. Other things that are important to plan for are to - anticipate the moment - move in close - keep the ball in shot   Below is an example of moving in close.

How Lessons on Depth of Field and Photography Techniques Prepare Me

Learning about depth and field helped me expand my knowledge on the type of photos I can take and how what I focus on changes what the viewer is focusing on. When working with depth of field you can focus on the foreground or background while the part that is not being focused on is blurred out. You can change the depth of field of a photo by changing the camera's aperture. Learning about this prepared me to take pictures for my magazine that could be focused on the background or foreground. Below is an example of the two types of depth of field:     Focused  background                                         Focused  foreground   Lessons on photography helped me prepare to take photos for my magazine because I learned about so many different types of techniques that can be used for my photos such as  - Bird’s eye view (A photo with a view from above the subj...

The Importance of Composition, Cropping, and Storage

Good photo composition means having a good subject to photograph and the right equipment to do so. This is important because this is what draws the reader's attention and having bad photo composition can turn a reader off so quickly. Cropping is important because it can help make a photo's composition better. To further explain, cropping can get rid of distracting objects or blank areas in photos that are not needed. Below is an example of an uncropped photo and the photo cropped with a better composition.                         Uncropped                                                          Cropped                                       Storage is important as well because when photograph...

Photographys Role in Publication

Photography's role in publication is to grab the viewer's attention. The photos you choose are very important since this is the first thing that is being seen. The photos should draw the reader in to read more and the information of the article should go with the photos that are being used. Sometimes pictures can just be used for entertainment purposes to attract the readers. Photos can help the reader make verbal and visual connections and it gives the publication an identity. Below is a photography publication that uses a verbal and visual connection.